With paparazzi around every corner and red-carpet events being a regular thing, it’s not surprising that those in the public eye want a camera-ready smile at all times. If only there was a way to correct dental misalignment without the metal. Thanks to Invisalign, there is! Read on to learn which celebrities have gone on-record to thank Invisalign for their camera-ready smiles!
Billie Eilish
A Grammy award-winner, Billie Eilish is currently one of the most popular artists. While you may be familiar with her unique style and heart-felt songs, you may not know that she used Invisalign to close a small gap in her smile. In fact, her clear aligners even make an appearance in her music video for Bad Guy!
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber has been a chart-topping artist since his teens – quite impressive! Thanks to Invisalign, so is his smile. He even opened up to his fans about his experience with clear aligners in multiple YouTube videos.
Anna Kendrick
A talented singer and actress, Anna Kendrick has starred in hits like Pitch Perfect, Trolls, and A Simple Favor. While on set for The Last Five Years, she was very open about her Invisalign treatment. So much so that her sound crew made her a custom sticker for her case!
Khloe Kardashian
Khloe and her family have been shooting Keeping Up with the Kardashians and The Kardashians for well over a decade now. Naturally, she didn’t want metal braces to take away from the drama, family shenanigans, and travel plans, so she opted for an alternative – Invisalign. Now, she has an even more beautiful smile thanks to her straight teeth!
Katy Perry
In the music video for Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) – which currently has more than 1.4 billion views – Katy Perry wore neon colors, curled her hair, and adorned metal braces. Of course, when it came time to really straighten her teeth, she opted for Invisalign. Within a few months, her teeth were noticeably straighter on red carpet events, music videos, and the like.
Now you know a few famous folks who have Invisalign to thank for their dazzling smiles! If you want to follow in their footsteps and discreetly straighten your teeth, then talk to your orthodontist.
About the Practice
If dental misalignment has you covering your smile, our team at Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics can help! With a custom-made treatment plan and clear aligners, we can discreetly address crooked teeth, uneven bites, and other common orthodontic issues. If you’re interested in learning more about Invisalign, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment via our website or by phone at (603) 880-5002.