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4 Interesting Tooth Fairy Myths from Around the World

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:41 pm
Smiling child pointing to missing tooth

Losing a tooth as a child doesn’t just mean their new smile is on its way – it means the tooth fairy is on its way too! For years, this mythical creature has been known to sneak into your child’s room as they doze, collect their tooth, and replace it with a small treat. But did you know that there are other tooth fairy stories? Keep reading to learn a few interesting myths from around the globe, including the tooth mouse!


Is It Possible to Get Invisalign On Just Your Top Teeth?

February 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 11:04 pm
Single arch Invisalign in Nashua aligner on colorful background

Invisalign is quickly becoming the most popular orthodontic treatment available, and it’s easy to see why! Not only are these clear aligners removable and practically invisible, but they can help address a wide range of misalignment issues. Whether you have a moderate bite problem that could lead to TMJ disorder in the future or mildly crooked or gapped teeth that are making you feel self-conscious, Invisalign can help. But what about if you’re interested in only fixing your top teeth? This is called single-arch treatment. Read on to learn more about how it works and if it’s right for you!


Top Signs Your Baby Is Teething & What You Should Do

January 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 8:03 pm
Infant chewing on toy from Nashua pediatric dentist

It’s not always easy to tell when your baby is beginning the teething process. Sometimes a baby’s first tooth can appear as early as three or four months old, but other times, it may not erupt until after their first birthday! That’s why it’s so important that you know the top signs of teething, and what you can do to help ease your little one’s discomfort as their pearly whites come in. Read on as your Nashua pediatric dentist covers when you can expect the teething process to begin, the most common signs of teething, and the best ways to ease teething discomfort.


When Do Baby Teeth Need to Be Extracted?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 8:44 pm
Young surprised boy covering his mouth hearing about children's tooth extraction in Nashua

Losing baby teeth is typically an exciting milestone that happens on its own. However, that’s certainly not always the case! There are times when a baby tooth may need to be extracted by a dentist, sometimes before it’s even loose. So when is a children’s tooth extraction in Nashua necessary, and how can you prepare your child should they need one? Read on to find out more!


4 Tips for Making Losing Teeth Less Scary

December 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 4:54 pm
Closeup of 5-year-old girl smiling

Is your child around the age of five? Then it won’t be long until their teeth begin to wiggle loose. While this is a natural part of growing into their “big kid” grin, it can still come with some feelings of concern. In short, if your little one is feeling a bit scared about the prospect of losing their baby teeth, they aren’t alone. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can make the entire experience a positive one. To learn what they are, read on!


Oral Health Problems for Children Who Have Special Needs

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 3:08 pm
Closeup of boy with special needs smiling in walker

If your child has a mental, behavioral, or physical disability, implementing a solid oral hygiene routine can be difficult. As a result, children with special needs are often more vulnerable to dental concerns that can take a serious toll on both the look and function of their smile. Considering the statistics of tooth decay in America are already staggering (over 90% have had at least one cavity by their 21st birthday), it’s easy to see why special needs dentistry is so important. To learn more, read on!


Then & Now: The History of Pediatric Dentistry

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 3:57 pm
Pediatric dentist in Nashua examining child's teeth

Although evidence of dentistry dates back to 5000 B.C., pediatric dentistry didn’t gain traction until the 1900s! Today, it is recognized as a specialty by The American Dental Association and plays a crucial role in helping kids keep their smiles happy and healthy throughout the years. Keep reading to learn all about the history of pediatric dentistry over the last 100+ years.


Shark Teeth in Kids: Should You Be Concerned?

October 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 4:30 pm
Closeup of child with shark teeth

Is one of your child’s adult teeth popping up behind their baby one? If you’re reading this article, then the answer is likely “yes.” This phenomenon, known as “shark teeth,” can make you wonder if there is any cause for concern. That’s why we are sharing if you should be worried, when you should call their pediatric dentist, and how to make losing teeth less scary for your little one!


Have Braces? Here Are 5 Fun Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids & Adults!

October 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 3:29 pm
Happy Halloween letter blocks with candy corn, fake spiders, and a pumpkin

And just like that… Halloween is almost here! If you or your little one is having a difficult time thinking of costumes with braces, don’t fret. After all, there are plenty of iconic characters that adorned metal brackets and wires. So, if you are looking for last-minute inspiration this spooky season, keep reading!


The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Sealants, Answered!

September 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplynashua @ 2:42 pm
Child smiling while dentist and parents discuss dental sealants

Did you know that cavities are one of the most chronic diseases among children today? Sadly, dental problems like these can take a serious toll on the appearance and function of their teeth. While a solid brushing and flossing routine will certainly help their teeth stay decay-free, your child may need some extra assistance keeping their smile in tip-top shape. Fortunately, that’s where dental sealants come in! Keep reading to learn the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions about this popular preventive treatment.

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