Dentistry for Toddlers – Nashua, NH
Keep Them Smiling Throughout Their Terrible Twos
As your beautiful baby grows up and becomes a toddler, they’ll surely become more energetic and start to learn the things they like and dislike. This stage of development can be difficult for parents to keep up with, but make sure to not let their smile’s well-being fall by the wayside. Our expert dentists here at Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics are highly trained at managing toddler’s specific oral health needs and ensuring they feel relaxed during their visits. Call our team today to get started with dentistry for toddlers in Nashua, NH!
Why Choose Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics for Dentistry for Toddlers?
- Team of Experienced, Gentle Dental Experts
- Modern, Comfortable Dental Office Environment
- All Dental Insurances Accepted
Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Once your little one is old enough to comfortably sit in the dental chair or in your lap, our pediatric dentists are able to take a closer look at their developing smile. During a dental checkup and cleaning, we examine their bite, baby teeth, and gums to form a clear picture of their oral health. We can also gently clean their mouth to remove harmful plaque and keep their teeth healthier as they continue to grow. Our primary goal is to prevent dental health issues before they even start!
Dental Sealants

Molars, or teeth in the back of the mouth, can be difficult to reach. As a result, food particles and cavity-causing bacteria can build up on them over time. Dental sealants provide the perfect remedy. A safe plastic material is placed on the chewing surfaces of these teeth, creating a barrier between the tooth enamel and dangerous foreign substances. If you want to minimize your child’s risk of tooth decay with a single quick procedure, just ask us about dental sealants.
Fluoride Treatments

You can find fluoride in so many places, from the food you eat to the oral hygiene products you use and even public drinking water! Decades of studies have revealed that routine fluoride exposure makes kids’ tooth enamel stronger and healthier. For this reason, we wholeheartedly recommend fluoride treatments for all toddlers during their regular checkups.
Tooth-Colored Fillings

While our team does our utmost to help kids of all ages prevent cavities, they can still develop from time to time. The good news is that if your toddler’s little smile becomes damaged, we can easily repair it with tooth-colored fillings. Compared to traditional amalgam fillings, these fillings are much more conservative, comfortable, and natural-looking – so much so that you might not even notice them at all!
Safe Digital X-Rays

As highly trained as our pediatric dentists are, they can’t see all potential oral health problems with their eyes alone. Several things are happening below the surface that cannot be examined without advanced technology. That’s why we use digital X-rays to understand your toddler’s developing teeth and other oral structures more thoroughly. Rest assured that, compared to traditional film X-rays, digital X-rays reduce radiation by up to 80 percent!
Root Canals / Pulp Therapy

The outermost layer of teeth, called enamel, shields the vulnerable pulp in the center. The pulp houses nerves and blood vessels, which help teeth develop over time. If your toddler develops serious tooth decay or sustains a severe injury, it can significantly harm the pulp. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the tooth has to be extracted. Pulp therapy allows us to remove damaged sections of the pulp, leave healthy tissue untouched, and preserve the tooth. Then, we’ll protect the tooth by placing a personalized, lifelike restoration on top.
Non-Nutritive Habits

As cute as it is to watch your little one suck on their thumbs or fingers, non-nutritive habits like these can actually hinder your child’s oral development, especially if they persist past the age of four. Our pediatric dentists can provide you with the tips you need to help your toddler stop these habits in a gentle yet effective manner.
Frenuloplasties & Frenectomies

Some children develop a small band of tissue in the mouth, called the frenum, that connects with the lips, the cheeks, and the floor of the mouth. Not only can these tiny bits of tissue cause aesthetic issues, but they can also be uncomfortable and lead to oral health issues later on. Our dental office can gladly provide frenectomies and frenuloplasties. These minor oral surgeries are designed to reposition, loosen, or fully remove the frenum.
Emergency Kid’s Dentistry

If you have a toddler, you already know how adventurous and playful they can be. Unfortunately, this can lead to dental injuries if you’re not careful. In the event of an emergency, we urge you to contact Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics as soon as possible. We’ll schedule you an urgent appointment right away. Plus, our team members can give you first-aid tips over the phone until you reach our dental office.
Tooth Extractions

Ideally, your toddler will have plenty of room in their mouth for all of their developing teeth to erupt. However, there are rare circumstances in which we would have to professionally remove one or more teeth for the sake of your child’s oral health. These situations include:
- If advanced tooth decay is present
- If one or several teeth have sustained a serious injury
- If baby teeth are keeping permanent (adult) teeth from properly developing
When it comes to these procedures, we don’t want parents to worry one bit. We’ll do everything in our power to help your little one stay safe and calm throughout their appointment. For your convenience, we even offer sedation dentistry in-house.